Aspen Evolution Checkout

The Aspen Evolution checkout course is your ticket to flying one of the most advanced after market glass panel systems around. The Sporty’s Academy Aspen checkout course uses a proven syllabus to help transition you from traditional analog instruments into the world of retrofit glass cockpits. Flying with the Aspen Evolution will open your world to exciting technological advancements in a retrofit panel. Learn to use the system to improve situational awareness and reduce fatigue. Improve your aviation skills with the most comprehensive training syllabus and qualified instructor group in the area.


Train in our Aspen Evolution PFD Pro equipped Piper Aztec or your own Aspen Evolution 1, 2, or 3 screen equipped airplane. You do not need a multiengine rating to obtain your Aspen training in our Piper Aztec.

Flight & Ground Instruction
VFR Preparation  Cost/Hour Time Total
Piper Aztec (Aspen PFD Pro) $299.00 2.5 hours $747.50
Flight Instruction $62.00 2.5 hours $155
Ground Instruction $62.00 2.0 hours $124
Supplies and Equipment $90
GRAND TOTAL $1,116.50*
IFR Preparation  Cost/Hour  Time  Total
Piper Aztec (Aspen PFD Pro) $299.00 4.0 hours $1,196
Flight Instruction $62.00 4.0 hours $248
Ground Instruction $62.00 2.0 hours $124
Supplies and Equipment $90.00


* Times shown are the minimum course times. Your time to obtain the required skills may vary. Remember, you do not have to pay this amount up front; it is spread out over the length of your training.

**Course times vary based on VFR or IFR requirements and previous pilot experience

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