This version 0563.26 software service bulletin provides an upgrade that includes the following changes:
• Resolution for Garmin Service Advisory No. 1129 Rev A – Momentary loss of GRS 77 and GDC 74A functions as addressed in Cessna Service Newsletter SNL11-15.
• Approach Identifiers – Added the ability to check for approaches with 3-numeric approach identifiers so that WAAS LPV approaches with 3-numeric identifiers would be available; software fix to Garmin Service Advisory No.: 0825.
• Flight Plan Sorting – The functionality of sorting the stored flight plans was removed; software fix to Garmin Service Advisory No.: 1118.
• Graphical METARs – The display of graphical METARs is added to the active flight plan page and moving maps.
• METAR Text – Raw METAR text is displayed on the active flight plan page and moving maps when a METAR flag is highlighted with the map cursor.
• Weather Legend – A weather legend is added to the maps that share the weather-related soft keys (NEXRAD, XM, LTNG, and METAR). The display of this legend is controlled via the Legend soft key in the MAP tier of soft keys.
• METAR Search Radius – The active flight plan page can now be configured to show a METAR flag (and corresponding report) from a nearby location for any waypoint in the flight plan without an active reporting station. The search radius is set to 30 NM.
• Selected-Altitude Intercept Arc – A Selected-Altitude Intercept Arc is displayed on the moving maps that follow: Navigation map, PFD inset map, AUX – Trip Planning map, Active Flight Plan page map, and all NRST maps. A cyan arc is drawn across the active leg (when enabled via the Map Setup) to indicate the location at which the aircraft will reach the selected altitude based on the current barometric altitude, vertical speed, and ground speed.
• Profile View – The profile view option is added to the MFD Navigation Map. When enabled, the airplane’s vertical position over terrain and obstacles is shown centered on the current ground track. When datalink SEB-34-03 weather is available, winds aloft information is also shown, which depicts a headwind or tailwind as a function of altitude. This vertical profile view is pilot configurable.
• Circular SAR Pattern – A circular search and rescue pattern is now available with the accomplishment of Cessna Service Bulletin SEB-34-01 Garmin G1000 Enhanced Search and Rescue Enablement.
• Runway Highlights – SVT no longer renders a runway highlight on the PFD synthetic view when there is obscuring terrain between the current aircraft position and the runway.
• Dual Navigation Databases – This feature allows a future navigation database to be stored in a standby location on the SD card in the bottom slot of each GDU. When the standby database becomes effective (as determined by the system date and time) the standby database will be automatically loaded into the active location internal to the GDU. This allows users to proactively update their aircraft with the next navigation cycle as soon as it becomes available, rather than having to wait until the first effective date to switch over.
• Database Crossfill – This feature allows most databases to be automatically cross-filled from the bottom SD card in one GDU to the bottom SD card in the other GDU. The following databases are supported: Basemap, Terrain, Airport Terrain, Obstacle, SafeTaxi, Airport Directory, and Standby Navigation.
• Startup Screen – When the dual navigation database feature is active, the Garmin startup screen is now displayed for up to 150 seconds at power up, when necessary, while the internal navigation database is updating. The following message is displayed on the screen: “Please Wait. Navigation Database Update in Progress. Do Not Remove Power from Displays”. If the database update has not completed during the allotted time, an error message is then displayed on the MFD and the navigation database is disabled for that power cycle.
• DB SYNC – Manual control of the DB SYNC function is removed.
• Geometric Altitudes – All GPS-derived geometric altitudes that are referenced to sea level are now displayed using the label “GSL”.
• CDI Deflection – When flying an LNAV+V or an LNAV / VNAV approach and a vectors-to-final approach transition has not been selected, a full-scale deflection of the CDI on the final approach segment now represents no more than 0.3 NM – even if the final approach segment is longer than 7 NM. When the missed approach point is located well before the runway, a full-scale deflection of the CDI after the MAP represents 350 feet until a missed approach is initiated. Software fix to Garmin Service Advisory No.: 1047.
• Voice Call-Out Alerts – Voice call-out alerts issued within 5 NM of a runway threshold are now based only upon the GPS height above that runway threshold.
• Improved Lighting Curve – The lighting curve has been updated for the displays and their bezels to provide more optimal dimming characteristics while under manual control with the dimming potentiometer.
• Pilot-Selectable MGRS Position Format – This configuration item enables the ability to display GPS position according to the Military Grid Reference System, and is controlled by a new setting on the AUX System Setup page.
• Resolution for Garmin Service Advisory No. 0904 Rev A – If Synthetic Vision is installed, Pathways is now enabled.
• Resolution for Garmin Service Advisory No. 0929 Rev A – Momentary failure indications (Red-X) can occur when deleting stored data.
• Fixed Content Data Logging – Provides capability of logging flight data to a comma-separated-value (CSV) file on an SD card in the upper MFD slot.
• GTS800 TAS System Input/Output Communication – If installed via field approval, allows input/output communication on RS-232 and ARINC-429 interfaces.
• Flight Plan Import/Export – Provides capability to import and export flight plans between an SD card and the GDU flight plan memory.
• NAV III System Configuration Bar – END (endurance), FOB (fuel on board), and FOD (fuel over destination) options are now displayed on the MFD status bar.
• Resolution for Garmin Service Advisory No. 0904A – If Synthetic Vision is installed, Pathways is now enabled.
• Fixed Content Data Logging – Provides capability of logging flight data to a comma-separated-value (CSV) file on an SD card in the upper MFD slot.
• Resolution for Garmin Service Advisory No. 0929 – Change implemented to prevent the possibility of flagging primary flight data, COM frequency, and EIS information while all stored flight plans or user waypoints are being deleted.
• AOPA Airport Directory Information – Support added for display on the “WPT-Airport Information” page. Field aircraft will need to purchase the AOPA directory via
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