A one-time logbook endorsement from an authorized flight instructor is required to fly any aircraft that meets the definition of a high performance or complex aircraft per 14 CFR 61.31 (e)(f).

Complex Aircraft – an aircraft equipped with retractable gear, flaps, and a controllable pitch propeller.

High Performance Aircraft – an aircraft with an engine of more than 200 horsepower.

Complex training at Sporty’s Academy is conducted in the Cessna 172RG ($169/hr.).  High performance training is conducted in Sporty’s G1000-equipped Cessna 182 ($210/hr.).  Both endorsements can be gained simultaneously in Sporty’s multiengine Piper Aztec ($325/hr.).

Both endorsements will require ground training time.

Renter’s insurance is required for all complex and high performance endorsements. Click here for more information.

Email us at [email protected] to schedule your training.

Complex Endorsement
172RG Cutlass$1744$696.00
Flight Instruction$52.504$210.00
Ground Instruction$52.502$105.00
Estimated Total$1,011.00
High Performance Endorsement
Cessna 182T$2104$840
Flight Instruction$514$204
Ground Instruction$512$102
Estimated Total$1,146