Earn your Instrument Rating – make your certificate even more powerful

An Instrument rating allows you to fly in varied types of weather with reference to the flight instruments only. A pilot holding an instrument rating is less likely to be stranded on the ground during periods of low ceilings and visibility. In addition, you have the security of knowing that if the weather unexpectedly turns bad in flight, you can continue to the destination without having to divert. The Instrument Rating adds confidence and utility to your existing license even if you don’t plan to fly in more challenging weather conditions.

The FAA requires a minimum of a Private or Commercial License and a FAA Third Class Medical Certificate or basic med equivalent.

Below are estimated course completion hours and associated costs. Your time to obtain the required skills may vary. Remember, you do not have to pay this amount up front; it is spread out over the length of your training.


Flight and Ground Instruction
Item Cost/Hour Hours Total
Airplane Rental $163.00 35 $5,705
Simulator $85.00 11 $935
Flight Instruction $54 46 $2,484
Ground Instruction $54 30 $1,620
Supplies & Equipment (Click here for enrollment kit) $420
FAA Written Exam $175
Checkride $800
Estimated Total $12,139


Financing options available from AOPA.



What do our customers say?

I travel very often in my job so it is difficult to maintain a consistent schedule at my local FBO…

I couldn’t have been more pleased with the way the training was conducted…

My experience was above my expectations.” Wayne – Atlanta, Georgia

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