Sporty’s Academy remains open with enhanced procedures
Sporty’s Academy takes concerns about COVID-19 very seriously. We have implemented the following processes, procedures, and policies to mitigate the risks of infection within our community of clients and staff.
Sporty’s Academy strongly requests that any community members with an acute respiratory infection or illness, please refrain from coming to the airport and engaging with other members of our community until cleared by a physician. Individuals that have been exposed to a known COVID-19 positive individual or who have recently travelled to a CDC Level 2 or 3 area should also refrain from coming to the airport and should self-quarantine for a period of at least 14 days to ensure no symptom development.
Community members with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis are not permitted at Sporty’s Academy until cleared by a physician.
Sporty’s Academy will not penalize a client or staff member for rescheduled training or staying away from the airport to reduce the risk to our community. We just ask that you keep us informed if you will not be attending training events.
To reduce the risk of infectious disease transmission within our aircraft, ATDs and other common areas we have implemented the following dispatch procedures to mitigate the risk to clients and instructors.
- Cleaning and disinfecting supplies are maintained at the dispatch desk.
- When the aircraft or ATD keys are dispatched, you should be offered a disinfecting wipe and a screen wipe. Disinfecting wipes may be used to clean major surfaces, controls, and knobs that may be touched during the flight. ONLY APPROVED SCREEN CLEANERS may be used on radio screens, touch screens, and EFIS displays. We are currently using CleanTex AllScreens Computer Screen Cleaner (833) wipes and CleanTex Phone Wipes (806) to clean screens. They are essentially the same cleaning product with a different size cloth which we have tested on radio and EFIS screens.
- It is up to the client and the instructor to determine the flight deck surfaces to wipe down prior to their flight.
- After the flight, clients and instructors must ensure that all trash is removed from the airplane as is our normal practice.
During ground lessons and other activities at the airport, recommended social distancing should be practiced where possible. Sporty’s employees will complete enhanced routine cleaning on a daily basis. Please follow good general etiquette for a more hygienic environment as found below:
- Please practice good personal hygiene along with covering mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing.
- Wash hands frequently with soap and water especially after sneezing or using a tissue.
- Immediately dispose of used tissues in garbage.
- If you need an additional disinfecting wipe for a work area, contact the dispatch desk.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Paul Jurgens, [email protected] or Eric Radtke, [email protected] to discuss.
Summary of Change 1
Aeronautical Information Manual Change 1 was recently published that includes:
1−1−12. NAVAIDS with Voice
4−2−14. Communications for VFR Flights
7−1−10. Inflight Weather Broadcasts Appendix 3. Abbreviations/Acronyms
This change deletes Hazardous Inflight Weather Advisory Service (HIWAS), as this continuous broadcast service is no longer provided by Flight Service. However, Flight Service is still responsible to advise pilots of hazardous weather that will impact operation.
3−2−3. Class B Airspace This change reflects the statutory authority of 14 CFR 61.325 allowing light−sport aircraft to operate within Class B airspace by sport pilot certificate holders.
5−1−3. Notice to Airman (NOTAM) System This change provides NAS users of updates to the U.S. NOTAM System and governance, reflecting a more accurate view of NOTAM information. It also removes references to sections that are no longer published in the Notices to Airmen Publication.
5−2−8. Departure Control This change clarifies what pilots should expect prior to takeoff when a departure procedure was included in the departure clearance, but an initial heading to fly is assigned.
5−4−5. Instrument approach Procedure (IAP) Charts This change removes any references to VOR/DME RNAV. p. 5−4−7. Instrument Approach Procedures This change provides pilots with additional options when it is necessary to conduct an instrument approach at an airspeed higher than the maximum airspeed of its certificated aircraft approach category. It explains the flexibility provided in 14 CFR and emphasizes the primary safety issue of staying within protected areas.
5−4−23. Visual Approach
5−4−24. Charted Visual Flight Procedure (CVFP)
This change encourages pilots to use other available navigational aids to assist in positive lateral and vertical alignment with the runway.
Access the complete Change 1 summary here.
Explore the full descriptions in the most recent AIM here.
What medications can you take and still be safe to fly?
In the midst of cold and flu season, you may find yourself reaching for the first pill to offer relief, but have you considered the ingredients and how it could impact your ability to safely fly? FAA recently published a much-needed and welcomed guide to help pilots evaluate over-the counter (OTC) medications and adhere to the requirements of FAR 61.53.
“no person who holds a medical certificate issued under part 67 of this chapter may act as pilot in command, or in any other capacity as a required pilot flight crewmember, while that person:
(1) Knows or has reason to know of any medical condition that would make the person unable to meet the requirements for the medical certificate necessary for the pilot operation; or
(2) Is taking medication or receiving other treatment for a medical condition that results in the person being unable to meet the requirements for the medical certificate necessary for the pilot operation.”
While not intended to be all-inclusive, the guide is comprehensive and even begins with a set of questions to help determine your fitness for flight. If you do opt to take a “no-go” medication, it continues to be best practice to wait at least five (5) dosage intervals after the last dose before flying. In other words, if you are consuming a medication to be taken every 4-6 hours, wait at least 30 hours (6 hrs. x 5) before flying.
Access the OTC medication guide here and of course, always error on the side of caution.
From Sporty’s Air Facts Journal
By John Zimmerman
In spite of what new instrument students might think, not all IFR approaches are straight-in ILSs to 200 and 1/2. Some airports just don’t lend themselves to an approach, due to terrain, obstacles or airspace issues. But these challenges aren’t enough to prevent creative TERPs designers from finding a solution. One look at the seven examples below shows that where there’s a will, there’s a way.
We’ve restricted ourselves to US airports for this article, and it should go without saying that these charts are not to be used for navigation.
Well-known plates
Some interesting approaches are hiding in plain sight, serving major airports in populated parts of the country. A good warm-up is the VOR/DME to runway 15 at Martin State Airport near Baltimore.
Read more at Sporty’s
Scheduling now for spring and summer 2020
FAA Aviation Medical Examiner, Dr. John Held, offers aviation medical exams and basic med evaluations at Sporty’s Clermont County Airport on select Saturdays. The cost of the exam is $100 payable by cash or check (no credit cards accepted). An EKG (if required) is subject to an additional $35 fee.
Saturday, April 4
9am – 1pm
Saturday, May 16
9am – 1pm
Saturday, June 6
9am – 1pm
Saturday, July 11
9am – 1pm
Saturday, August 1
9am – 1pm
Saturday, August 29
9am – 1pm
To schedule, please call Sporty’s at 513.735.9100 ext. 0.
For pilots pursuing Basic Med, the required online training is available through two approved sources – AOPA and Mayo Clinic.
Congratulations on recent achievements at Sporty’s Academy


There are 2 unusual attitude maneuvers you’ll practice during your private pilot training, simulating the scenario of inadvertently flying into IFR conditions and ending up in a nose low descending or nose high climbing pitch attitude. This week’s tip shows how to recognize either condition and use the flight instruments to recover to straight and level flight.


Safe Flying!

Phone: 513.735.9500
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Copyright 2020, Sporty’s Academy, Inc. |